Where Monsters Dwell #38 - Al WIlliamson, Jack Kirby reprints

 Where Monsters Dwell #38
Where Monsters Dwell v1 #38, 1975 - Ending this monster-themed reprint series, this issue boasts two prominent artists. Jack Kirby is represented with a story from Strange Tales #98Al Williamson has two contributions: one from Journey Into Unknown Worlds #55 (erroneously credited to Unknown Worlds #21) and the other from World of Suspense #3. This Marvel issue also includes artwork by Christopher Rule.

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Where Monsters Dwell #38 - Al WIlliamson, Jack Kirby reprints  Where Monsters Dwell #38 - Al WIlliamson, Jack Kirby reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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