Lorna the Jungle Girl #18 - Al Williamson cover

Al Williamson
Lorna the Jungle Girl v1 #18, 1956 - A profile view of the title character becomes the obvious focal point on this Al Williamson cover. The strong diagonal bisects the layout almost in half. On the left, the male figure's stance is a hallmark of the artist's style. Other artists in this comic include Jay Scott Pike and Chris Rule. This is 1 of 1 Lorna the Jungle Girl issues by Williamson
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Williamson cover pencils (Vince Colletta inks) = ***

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Lorna the Jungle Girl #18 - Al Williamson cover Lorna the Jungle Girl #18 - Al Williamson cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5


ten-cent media said...

Al Williamson did contribute to this cover but background pencils only. Vince Colletta penciled Lorna and inked the whole cover.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

The Lorna figure drawing looks like Williamson's other work from the same period. Do you have a source for your information?

ten-cent media said...

Nobody drew women like Vinnie. I'd say to ask Doc V who is probably the best Timely-Atlas expert.

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