Race for the Moon #3 - Jack Kirby / Al Williamson art, mis-attributed Kirby / Williamson cover

Jack Kirby
Race for the Moon v1 #3, 1958 - Like previous issue, the combination of Jack Kirby's pencils and Al Williamson's inks far exceed expectations. Some comic guides credit the cover to both artists, but it seems more likely inked by Joe Simon. Inside, four stores are magnificently rendered due to Kirby's kinetic style and Williamson's sensitive finishes. "Space Garbage", with its dramatic lighting and sublime textures, is a standout among them. Other artists in this golden age science fiction comic include Sol Brodsky. This is 3 of 3 Race for the Moon issues by Kirby and 2 of 2 Race for the Moon issues by Williamson.
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Kirby cover pencils (Marvin Stein inks) = ***
Intro page Kirby story pencils / Williamson inks = ****
"Long, Long Years" Kirby story pencils / Williamson inks 5 pages = ****
"Saucer Men" Kirby story pencils / Williamson inks 5 pages = ****
"Space Garbage" Kirby story pencils / Williamson inks 5 pages = ****
"Garden of Eden" Kirby story pencils / Williamson inks 5 pages = ****

Jack Kirby / Al Williamson
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Race for the Moon #3 - Jack Kirby / Al Williamson art, mis-attributed Kirby / Williamson cover Race for the Moon #3 - Jack Kirby / Al Williamson art, mis-attributed Kirby / Williamson cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:19 PM Rating: 5

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