Creepy #1 - Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson art + 1st issue

Creepy #1

Creepy v1 #1, 1964 - Swimming toward reflective domes in the water, a pair of scuba divers discover an underwater city and their fish-like humanoid inhabitants. Al Williamson's drawings are impressively detailed, from the ocean setting on the first panel to the decorative fish and flora below. Roy Krenkel inks most of the pages, adding a looseness that still maintains the original intent of the pencils. In Williamson's second tale, a hack cartoonist will do anything to become famous, even resort to murder. Clever pacing and layouts make this one of his better silver age works. Frank Frazetta does his last comic book story art in this first issue, illustrating the hunt for a werewolf in uncharted Africa. Even in black and white, the artist uses his painterly skill to increase depth and perspective. Each panel is painstakingly detailed, sparing no effort or enthusiasm (see interior page below). Williamson's stories were reprinted in Creepy #137 and Eerie v3 #13. Other artists in this issue also include Reed Crandall, Angelo Torres, Gray Morrow and Jack Davis. This is 1 of 15 Creepy issues by Frazetta and 1 of 8 Creepy issues by Williamson. /// key 1st issue 
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"Werewolf" Frazetta story pencils and inks pages (black and white) = *****
"H2O World" Williamson story pencils (Roy Krenkel inks) 6 pages (black and white) = ***
"The Success Story" Williamson story pencils (Roy Krenkel inks) 6 pages (black and white) = ****

Al Williamson

Frank Frazetta
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Creepy #1 - Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson art + 1st issue Creepy #1 - Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 12:29 PM Rating: 5

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