Blast-Off #1 - Jack Kirby / Al Williamson art, Williamson art, Kirby cover + 1st 3 Rocketters

Jack Kirby
Blast-Off v1 #1 presents the 3 Rocketeers, 1965 - One of the few Harvey sci-fi titles, this first issue boasts the first appearance of the 3 Rocketeers. Of the four stories pencilled by Al Williamson, two are inked by Reed Crandall, Roy Krenkel and Angelo Torres. Both are impressively realistic and sophisticated. By contrast, his two collaborations with Jack Kirby are more graphically rendered but fascinating in their own right. A single page Goodyear Aerospace ad by Neal Adams appears toward the front of the book. "The Little Earth" was later reprinted in The Art of Al Williamson. This issue also includes artwork by Howard Nostrand. This is 1 of 1 Blast Off issues by Kirby and 1 of 1 Blast Off issues by Williamson. /// key 1st appearance 3 Rocketeers, 1st issue
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Kirby cover pencils (Joe Simon inks) = **
Kirby intro pencils / Williamson inks 1 page = ***
"Lunar Goliaths" Kirby story pencils / Williamson inks 5 pages = ***
"The Great Moon Mystery" Kirby story pencils / Williamson inks 5 pages = ***
"The Space Court" Williamson story pencils (Angelo Torres, Roy Krenkel inks) 5 pages = ***
"The Little Earth" Williamson story pencils (Reed Crandall inks) 5 pages = ****

Jack Kirby / Al Williamson

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Blast-Off #1 - Jack Kirby / Al Williamson art, Williamson art, Kirby cover + 1st 3 Rocketters Blast-Off #1 - Jack Kirby / Al Williamson art, Williamson art, Kirby cover + 1st 3 Rocketters Reviewed by Ted F on 1:25 PM Rating: 5
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