Billy Buckskin #3 - Al Williamson art

Billy Buckskin #3
Billy Buckskin Western v1 #3, 1956 - When Old Tom's murderer is brought in, the townspeople seek their own justice rather than having a trial. Al Williamson's story pencils are loosely applied, with some crediting Roy Krenkel as inker. Page 2 panels 1-4 are especially rough and poorly executed. The remaining pages meet stylistic expectations, leading me to believe Williamson did most of the inking. His opening splash (see interior page below) is excellent, providing a view shared by simmering mob. Other artists in this golden age comic include John Severin and Mort Drucker. This is 1 of 1 Billy Buckskin issues by Williamson.
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"The Mob" Williamson story pencils (Roy Krenkel partial inks?) 4 pages = ***

 Al Williamson
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Billy Buckskin #3 - Al Williamson art Billy Buckskin #3 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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