Buster Crabbe #2 - Al Williamson cover

Buster Crabbe v1 #2 golden age comic book cover art by Al Williamson
 Al Williamson
Buster Crabbe v1 #2, 1952Al Williamson drew relatively few golden age covers, but does an adequate job here. The title character rescues an old man trapped in a pit, while gila monsters encroach from all sides. The perspective and foreshortening are strained, almost unconvincing. The horse and lizard in the background seem disproportionate given the distance. Despite these shortcomings, the cover's strength is the rendering itself. Williamson's drawing style is still distinctive and appealing. This is 1 of 3 Buster Crabbe issues by Williamson.
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Williamson cover pencils (George Evans inks) = ***

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Buster Crabbe #2 - Al Williamson cover Buster Crabbe #2 - Al Williamson cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:03 PM Rating: 5

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