Forbidden Worlds #6 - Al Williamson art

Forbidden Worlds #6
Forbidden Worlds v1 #6, 1951 - Silly by even 1950s standards, this tale features a bat-winged, demon-like phantom whose head can disembody itself and fly on its own. Admirably, Al Williamson makes a sincere effort at this horror tale. His fine brushwork brings a sophisticated credibility in more than a few scenes. Certain pages and panels are crowded, but not to the detriment of the artwork as a whole. Other artists in this golden age horror comic include Sam Cooper. This is 4 of 8 Forbidden Worlds issues by Williamson. /// Williamson gallery
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"The Flapping Head" Williamson story pencils (Harry Harrison inks) 8 pages = ***

Al Williamson
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Forbidden Worlds #6 - Al Williamson art Forbidden Worlds #6 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 10:07 PM Rating: 5

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