Jet #4 - Al Williamson / Wally Wood art

Jet #4
Jet (Jet Powers) v1 #4, 1951 - Two of comicdom's best artists join forces on this impeccably drawn Space Ace story. Al Williamson's pencils once again surpass the rest of the book with its finely rendered scenes and characters. Though not as richly textured as the previous issue, Wally Wood's inks are equally marvelous. His approach is more aggressive and dramatic, especially on the first five pages. Note the skillfully drawn division of light and shadow on page three, panel five: a masterful technique he would be known for over the next two decades. Other artists in this issue include Bob Powell. This is 2 of 2 Jet issues by Williamson and 1 of 1 Jet issues by Wood.
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"Death in Deep Space" Williamson story pencils / Wood inks 7 pages = ****

Al Williamson / Wally Wood
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Jet #4 - Al Williamson / Wally Wood art Jet #4 - Al Williamson / Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:31 AM Rating: 5

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