Flash Gordon v4 #31 - Al Williamson reprint & cover reprint

Flash Gordon v4 #31
Flash Gordon v4 #31, 1981 - Part one of a three part adaptation of the Flash Gordon movie, this was first printed in trade paperback. As I mentioned in that post, the better paper stock contributed to overly garish colors. Ironically, these reprint issues on newsprint resulted in muted colors that further enhanced Al Williamson's artwork. While not normally a fan of reprints, Flash Gordon v4 #31-33 in my opinion is superior to the original. Also note that the cover repeats one of Williamson's interior illustrations. 
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"Flash Gordon the Movie (part 1)" Williamson pencils and inks 21 pages = ***** 

Al Williamson
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Flash Gordon v4 #31 - Al Williamson reprint & cover reprint Flash Gordon v4 #31 - Al Williamson reprint & cover reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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