Forbidden Worlds #5 - Al Williamson art

Forbidden Worlds #5
Forbidden Worlds v1 #5, 1951 - Suspected of murdering his father, a young man heads for home and stumbles across a portal to the afterlife. Al Williamson makes the best of this convoluted tale, bringing a lush realism not often seen in 1950s comics. The exotic woman's dramatically backlit face on page three, panel six nicely fits her lengthy monologue. Williamson also takes pride in drawing the grandiose, almost futuristic settings of the spirit world. As an inside joke, he and inker Roy Krenkel combine their names on the first panel. This story was later reprinted in the book Al Williamson Forbidden Worlds. Other artists in this golden age comic include Lou Cameron. This is 3 of 8 Forbidden Worlds issues by Williamson. /// Williamson gallery
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"Land of the Living Dead" Williamson story pencils (Roy Krenkel inks) 8 pages = ***

Al Williamson
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Forbidden Worlds #5 - Al Williamson art Forbidden Worlds #5 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 10:51 PM Rating: 5

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