Mystery Tales #48 - non-attributed Al Williamson art

Mystery Tales #48
Mystery Tales v1 #48, 1956 - Knowing his writings about genetic engineering will change the future, a scientist travels through time only to discover a flaw in his theories. Al Williamson's artwork sadly falls below expectations. The first page, showing the scientist scribbling at his desk, is especially sterile. Subsequent scenes lack verve and effort. Interestingly, most comic guides have missed this attribution. Other artists in this golden age science fiction comic include Tony DiPreta, Joe Sinnott, Ed Winiarski, Bob Powell and John Forte. Cover by Bill Everett. This is 3 of 4 Mystery Tales issues by Williamson.
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"They Took Me Away" Williamson story pencils and inks 4 pages = **

 Al Williamson
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Mystery Tales #48 - non-attributed Al Williamson art Mystery Tales #48 - non-attributed Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:30 PM Rating: 5


Unknown said...

Great Everett cover. If Coletta did the cover the background people would be getting erased as well :)

Ted F said...

Ouch! Vince Colletta was never one of my favorite inkers, but I'm sure he wasn't the only one with those practices. Most of his 1950s romance comics were repetitive, but there were a few gems here and there that earned my respect.

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