Forbidden Worlds #63 - Al Williamson art

Forbidden Worlds #63

Forbidden Worlds v1 #63, 1958 - Genius mathematician or crackpot theorist? Professor Weaver proves his worth when he's suddenly transported to Pluto. The inhabitants beg him to solve a problem that could save the galaxy. Al Williamson's drawings are brilliant, infusing the tale with drama and realism. He employs textures and patterns to increase depth, adding to his excellent brushwork. On page 3 panel 1, the artist captures the utter destruction of an alien civilization. Perhaps the most visually interesting scene is a conversation set against the backdrop of a Plutonian cityscape (page 5 panel 5). This story was later reprinted in Adventures into the Unknown #128. Other artists in this silver golden age comic include Ogden Whitney, Emil Gershwin and John Forte. This is 5 of 8 Forbidden Worlds issues by Williamson. /// Williamson gallery
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"When Duty Calls" Williamson story pencils (partial Angelo Torres, Roy Krenkel inks) 5 pages = ****

 Al Williamson
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Forbidden Worlds #63 - Al Williamson art Forbidden Worlds #63 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5
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