Sheriff of Tombstone #1 - mis-attributed Al Williamson cover + 1st issue

Sheriff of Tombstone #1
Sheriff of Tombstone v1 #1, 1958Al Williamson drew relatively few covers in his long career. This one is credited to him in The Art of Al Williamson, but other sources contest this. Even more confusing, the Overstreet guide credits the reprinted version on >Gunfighters #56 to the artist but not the original. Other sources credit Dick Giordano with an assist by John Severin, and after closer examination I have to agree. The only Williamson western cover I'm aware of is Kid Colt Outlaw #54. At the very least, this issue features an outstanding piece by Giordano. /// key 1st issue

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Sheriff of Tombstone #1 - mis-attributed Al Williamson cover + 1st issue Sheriff of Tombstone #1 - mis-attributed Al Williamson cover + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 5:04 PM Rating: 5

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