Spider-man versus Wolverine #1 - Al Williamson art + 1st issue

Spider-man versus Wolverine #1
Spider-man versus Wolverine v1 #1, 1987 - This one-shot issue features Marvel's two most popular characters. In a storyline set in the past, the two heroes eventually cross paths (and cross each other) in Berlin, Germany. Al Williamson inks over sixty pages of pretty mediocre pencils and layouts. Aside from a handful of panels, the finishes are mostly hurried, even sloppy at times. Other 1980s work by Williamson fares far better. Cover by Mark Bright. This is 1 of 1 Spider-man versus Wolverine issues by Williamson.
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"High Tide" Williamson story inks (Mark Bright pencils) 64 pages = **

Al Williamson
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Spider-man versus Wolverine #1 - Al Williamson art + 1st issue Spider-man versus Wolverine #1 - Al Williamson art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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