Alarming Tales #6 - Al Williamson art

Alarming Tales #6
Alarming Tales v1 #6, 1958 - A plantation in the tropics is attacked by coastal pirates. The resident scientist and an ex-army officer gather weapons, but not before one of them is accidentally doused with strange chemicals. This tale of an incredible shrinking man is ably drawn by Al Williamson. The first two pages are well crafted but the artwork diminishes from there. Angelo Torres provides the inks, though it appears he may have pencilled a few panels as well. Other artists in this golden age science fiction comic include Paul Reinman, Fred Kida, Norman Nodel and Bernard Baily. Cover by John Severin. This is 2 of 2 Alarming Tales issues by Williamson.
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"King of the Ants" Williamson story pencils (Angelo Torres inks) 5 pages = ***-

 Al Williamson
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Alarming Tales #6 - Al Williamson art Alarming Tales #6 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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