Scorpio Rose #1 - Marshall Rogers art & cover + 1st appearance

Marshall Rogers
Scorpio Rose v1 #1, 1982Marshall Rogers teams up once again with writer Steve Englehart, creating two new occult characters. Scorpio Rose is a female gypsy turned sorceress while Doctor Orient follows the format of other seemingly ordinary men with mysterious and undefined powers. The origin story's two splashes are the highlight of the book, especially page 21's incorporation of a tarot card design. Tom Palmer, one of the industry's best inkers, has a style not quite compatible with Roger's pencils. Steve Leialoha's inks fare a bit better on the Dr. Orient tale, opening with a splash that's oddly similar in style to artist Mike Grell. Both stories written by Steve Englehart. This is 1 of 2 Scorpio Rose issues by Rogers. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Scorpio Rose, 1st appearance, 1st cover Doctor Orient, 1st issue / original cover
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Rogers cover pencils and inks = ***
"Scorpio Rose
" Rogers story pencils (Tom Palmer inks) 22 pages = ***
"Dr. Orient" Rogers story pencils (Steve Leialoha inks) 8 pages = ***

Marshall Rogers
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Scorpio Rose #1 - Marshall Rogers art & cover + 1st appearance Scorpio Rose #1 - Marshall Rogers art & cover + 1st appearance Reviewed by Ted F on 1:35 PM Rating: 5

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