Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #32 - Marshall Rogers art + 1st Daughters of the Dragon

Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #32 marvel key issue 1970s bronze age comic book cover - 1st appearance Daughters of the Dragon
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #32
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu magazine v1 #32, 1977 - Colleen Wing and her best friend Misty Knight travel to Hong Kong in pursuit of a crimelord. Together they make their first appearance as the Daughters of the DragonMarshall Rogers illustrates these characters with equal beauty and grace. Unframed panels and typographic sound effects are generously used throughout. The high point is Rogers' full page portrait on page one, depicting the duo standing poised against a detailed architectural backdrop. Written by Chris Claremont, this story was later reprinted in Daughters of the Dragon Special #1. This issue also includes artwork by Rudy Nebres, Joe Staton and Sonny Trinidad. This is 2 of 3 Deadly Hands of Kung Fu issues by Rogers. /// key 1st appearance Colleen Wing and Misty Knight as Daughters of the Dragon
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"Daughters of the Dragon" Rogers story pencils and inks 21 pages (black & white) = ****
"Enter the Letters" Rogers masthead illo pencils and inks (black & white) = ***

Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #32 Marshall Rogers marvel key issue 1970s bronze age comic book page - 1st appearance Daughters of the Dragon
Marshall Rogers
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Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #32 - Marshall Rogers art + 1st Daughters of the Dragon Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #32 - Marshall Rogers art + 1st Daughters of the Dragon Reviewed by Ted F on 2:52 PM Rating: 5

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