Astonishing Tales #25 - 1st Deathlok

Astonishing Tales #25 key issue marvel 1970s bronze age comic book cover - 1st appearance Dealthlok
Astonishing Tales #25
Astonishing Tales v1 #25, 1975 - Luther Manning was a brilliant military strategist, right up until an explosive belw off his arm and half of his face. To salvage his usefulness, the US military makes into a half-man, half-cyborg assassin for hire. Deathlok the Demolisher debuts at a time when bionic men and women pervaded pop culture and Marvel introduced new anti-heroes. This Doug Moench story was ably drawn by Rich Buckler, who conceived of both the idea and basic plot. Cover by Buckler and Klaus Janson. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Deathlok
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"A Cold Knight's Frenzy" 15 pages

Astonishing Tales #25 key issue marvel 1970s bronze age comic book page - 1st appearance Dealthlok
1st Deathlok
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Astonishing Tales #25 - 1st Deathlok Astonishing Tales #25 - 1st Deathlok Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:49 PM Rating: 5
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