Iron Man #55 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st Thanos, Drax

Iron Man #55 marvel key issue key 1970s bronze age Jim Starlin comic book cover - 1st appearance Thanos, Drax the Destroyer
Jim Starlin
Iron Man v1 #55, 1972 - Thanos and Drax the Destroyer make their first appearances, both encountering shell-head for the first time. The story artwork, Jim Starlin's first full contribution to the title, displays not only his youth but his inexperience as well. Several pages are drawn crudely and many figures mis-proportioned in smaller panels. Other pages are simplistic and hurried. And yet, Starlin also shows his potential, particularly in two full splash pages and several carefully planned panel sequences. Compare the interiors to his more finely polished (thanks to inker Joe Sinnott) cover design. Mentor and Eros (later known as Starfox) also appear for the first time in cameo. This Mike Freidrich story was later reprinted in Life of Captain Marvel #1. This is 2 of 7 Iron Man issues by Starlin. /// key 1st appearance Thanos, 1st appearance, 1st cover Drax, 1st cameo appearances Eros, Mentor / original page / Starlin gallery
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Starlin cover pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) = ***
"Beware the Blood Brothers" Starlin story pencils (Mike Esposito inks) 20 pages = **

Iron Man #55 marvel key issue 1970s bronze age Jim Starlin comic book page - 1st appearance Thanos, Drax the Destroyer
1st Thanos, Drax / Jim Starlin
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Iron Man #55 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st Thanos, Drax Iron Man #55 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st Thanos, Drax Reviewed by Ted F on 3:41 PM Rating: 5

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