Defenders v2 #1 - 1st issue

Defenders v2 #1
Defenders v2 #1, 1972 - Following three issues in Marvel Feature, this unlikely team begins their own self-titled series. Hulk discovers a fallen Sub-Mariner and summons Doctor Strange for help. Together they must prevent Namor from becoming a demonic sacrifice. Interestingly, a hint at the story's end suggests the next addition to this eclectic group of heroes. This Steve Englehart story was drawn by Sal Buscema and Frank Giacoia. Cover by Buscema. /// key 1st issue
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"I Slay by the Stars" 20 pages

Defenders v2 #1
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Defenders v2 #1 - 1st issue Defenders v2 #1 - 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5
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