Daredevil #181 - Frank Miller art & cover + Landmark issue

Daredevil v1 #181 elektra bullseye marvel comic book cover art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller

1. Daredevil v1 #181, 1982 - Newly escaped from prison, Bullseye seeks to regain the Kingpin's favor by killing his chief competitor Elektra. This double-sized issue is Frank Miller's longest to date, allowing him greater room to excel and innovate. On page 15, Bullseye's drunken state is emphasized by the enlarged liquor bottle on the top left. On page 34, sounds effects of an oncoming train separate a series of horizontal panels. From the daring prison escape to Bullseye's respective clashes with Daredevil and Elektra, this issue is virtually flawless in art and storytelling. This is 23 of 33 Daredevil issues by Miller. /// key Landmark issue (death of Elektra) / Top 10 Miller comics
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Miller cover pencils (Klaus Janson inks) = ****
"Last Hand" Miller story
pencils (Klaus Janson inks) 38 pages = *****

Daredevil v1 #181 marvel comic book page art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller

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Daredevil #181 - Frank Miller art & cover + Landmark issue Daredevil #181 - Frank Miller art & cover + Landmark issue Reviewed by Ted F on 12:23 PM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Perhaps my favorite single issue of any comic ever. As you said, the storytelling is flawless and the art is so fantastic.

From cover to cover, this is a perfect comic book. Makes one wonder what happened to Miller's talent for lucid and exciting comic storytelling

Ted F said...

Good choice. In my opinion, I think Miller's first Sin City is even slightly better while 300 and Dark Knight 2 were slightly worse.

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