DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #21 - Joe Kubert cover & reprints, Alex Toth reprint

Joe Kubert
DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest v1 #21 / Our Army at War, 1982 Joe Kubert's typographic cover is arguably the best of these DC digests from the 1980s. Despite the smaller format, the various elements fit together to form a cohesive whole. By contrast, Kubert's back cover is mediocre at best. Inside, reprints from Our Army at War #146, #196, Star Spangled War Stories #124 and #149 make up the bulk of the issue. Alex Toth contributes an excellent work from Star Spangled War Stories #164. Lastly, several Kubert pin-up pages appear in the back of the book, reprinted from Our Army at War #200, G.I. Combat #133 and #143. This issue also includes artwork by Russ Heath.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = *****
"The Eyes of War" Kubert back 
cover pencils and inks = **

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DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #21 - Joe Kubert cover & reprints, Alex Toth reprint DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #21 - Joe Kubert cover & reprints, Alex Toth reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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