DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #24 - Joe Kubert cover, Bernie Wrightson, Alex Toth, Wally Wood reprints

Joe Kubert
DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest v1 #24 / House of Mystery, 1982 - Past Joe Kubert's new bigger-than-life cover, this digest features tales drawn by Bernie Wrightson (House of Mystery #204), Alex Toth (House of Mystery #194 and House of Secrets #83) and Wally Wood (House of Mystery #199). Wrightson's pin-up from Limited Collectors' Edition #C-23 also appears in black and white. Other artists in this bronze age digest include Jim Aparo, George Tuska, Bill Draut and Gray Morrow. 
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***

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DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #24 - Joe Kubert cover, Bernie Wrightson, Alex Toth, Wally Wood reprints DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #24  - Joe Kubert cover, Bernie Wrightson, Alex Toth, Wally Wood reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:34 AM Rating: 5
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