Tarzan #239 - Joe Kubert cover

Joe Kubert
Tarzan of the Apes v1 #239, 1975 - Sliding into a pit of crocodiles, Tarzan's fate is uncertain as his tormentors cheer on in the background. Joe Kubert's image is palpable, but lacks his usual precision. The main figure seems hurriedly drawn. Some price guides indicate Kubert layouts inside, but the visual evidence is scant. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Franc Reyes. This is 33 of 43 Tarzan issues by Kubert.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = **

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Tarzan #239 - Joe Kubert cover Tarzan #239 - Joe Kubert cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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