Teen-age Romances #26 - Matt Baker art & reprint

Teen-age Romances #26
Teen-age Romances v1 #26, 1954 - Intent on dating someone older and more experienced, Hope tries to evade boys her own age. Matt Baker's fine pencils meet expectations. The delineations by inker Ray Osrin further streamline the drawings. The artwork is cleaner, crisper and more spacious than Baker's one-pager, "I Spread Rumors". Both stories, though, look more contemporary than "I Was a Willy-Nilly Filly" (originally titled “Pride Made Me Love-Blind”), a reprint from Teen-Age Diary Secrets #7. Other artists in this golden age comic include Lily Renee. This is 26 of 42 Teen-age Romances issues by Baker.
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"I Spread Rumors" Baker story pencils and inks 1 page = ***
"Man Crazy" Baker story pencils (Ray Osrin inks) 6 pages = ***

Matt Baker
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Teen-age Romances #26 - Matt Baker art & reprint Teen-age Romances #26 - Matt Baker art & reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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