Action Comics #267 - 1st Colossal Boy, Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid

Action Comics #267

Action Comics v1 #267, 1960 - In this issue's backup story, Supergirl comes across three super-powered teens with knowledge of her secret identity. Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy reveal themselves while introducing three new members to the Legion of Super-heroes. Invisible Kid, Colossal Boy and Chameleon Boy eagerly demonstrate their abilities to Supergirl. Though limited to a handful of panels, each legionnaire makes his first appearance. This story was written by Jerry Siegel and drawn by Jim Mooney. This is the Legion's overall third appearance. /// key 1st appearance Invisible Kid, Colossal Boy, Chameleon Boy
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"The Three Super-Heroes"13 pages

1st Colossal Boy, Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid
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Action Comics #267 - 1st Colossal Boy, Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid Action Comics #267 - 1st Colossal Boy, Chameleon Boy, Invisible Kid Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 PM Rating: 5

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