Police Action v2 #2 - Mike Ploog art

Police Action v2 #2
Police Action v2 #2 featuring Lomax NYPD and Luke Malone, Manhunter, 1975 - After a successful collaboration in the first issue, Mike Ploog and Frank Springer's second effort falls short. The layouts diminish in quality, starting with the opening scene of a hostage situation. Springer's inks tend to dominate, resulting in panels that seem sloppy and erratic. Sadly, there are few semblances of Ploog's original intent. Other artists in this issue include Al McWilliams and Mike Sekowsky. Cover by Larry Lieber. This is 2 of 3 Police Action issues by Ploog.
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"Whatever Happened to Luke Malone?" Ploog story pencils (Frank Springer inks) 10 pages = **

Mike Ploog
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Police Action v2 #2 - Mike Ploog art Police Action v2 #2 - Mike Ploog art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:34 PM Rating: 5

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