Teen-age Temptations #6 - Matt Baker art & cover

Matt Baker
Teen-age Temptations v1 #6, 1954 - Influenced by three different men, Joyce struggles with her secret past while holding on to the man she loves. The artwork by Matt Baker is exceptional, with each page demonstrating a high level of craft. The layouts are accentuated by his varied, amorphous text boxes. Patterns, cross-hatching and other fine details supplement the artist's graceful figure drawings. Baker's confrontational cover is unrelated, referencing another story inside. Splendidly composed, I like how the body language of the three figures separately convey aggression, fear and determination. Other artists in this golden age romance comic include Bill Ely and Arthur Peddy. This is 6 of 9 Teen-age Temptations issues by Baker. /// Baker gallery
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Baker cover pencils and inks = *** 
"My Name Was Caroline Gray" Baker story pencils and inks 8 pages = *****

Matt Baker
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Teen-age Temptations #6 - Matt Baker art & cover Teen-age Temptations #6 - Matt Baker art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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