Strange Terrors #3 - Joe Kubert art

Strange Terrors #3
Strange Terrors v1 #3, 1952 - While better known for his work on war comics, Joe Kubert draws a truly horrific tale in this issue. A shy clerk paints a satanic painting that eventually relinquishes his soul to the devil. The agony and anxiety on the characters' faces are conveyed masterfully. The title panel uses an impressionistic, ominous background to full effect. Aside from a woman's mis-proportioned face on page two, Kubert's skillfulness is obvious. Other artists in this golden age horror comic include Bob Forgione. This is 1 of 4 Strange Terrors issues by Kubert.
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"Picture of Hell" Kubert story pencils and inks 8 pages = ***

Joe Kubert
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Strange Terrors #3 - Joe Kubert art Strange Terrors #3 - Joe Kubert art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:41 PM Rating: 5

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