Creepy #113 - Bernie Wrightson cover & reprints

Bernie Wrightson
Creepy magazine v1 #113, 1979 - This special collection features Bernie Wrightson stories from earlier bronze age horror magazines, specifically Creepy #95, #77, #83, #87, Eerie v3 #58, #62 and #68. In addition to these black and white reprints, the artist supplies a brand new cover painting. Rich colors and thoughtful composition make this among Wrightson's best covers for Warren. This is 18 of 19 Creepy issues by Wrightson. /// Wrightson gallery
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Wrightson cover painting = ***

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Creepy #113 - Bernie Wrightson cover & reprints Creepy #113 - Bernie Wrightson cover & reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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