Action Comics #340 - 1st Parasite

Action Comics #340

Action Comics v1 #340, 1966 - Exposed to alien radioactive elements, an unscrupulous worker at a research facility gains the power to absorb energy from nearby people. The Parasite goes on a rampage, luring Superman into a battle where he proceeds to sap the man of steel's powers. Note that alternate versions of this super-villain emerge in later years. Jim Shooter was still a teenager when he wrote this tale for DC. Al Plastino drew the story art, while Curt Swan and George Klein illustrate the cover. /// key 1st appearance1st origin 1st cover silver age Parasite
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"Power of the Parasite" 14 pages

1st Parasite
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Action Comics #340 - 1st Parasite Action Comics #340 - 1st Parasite Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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