Star Spangled War Stories #162 - Joe Kubert art, cover & reprint

Joe Kubert
Star Spangled War Stories v1 #162, 1970 - Despite Joe Kubert's provocative bisected cover, the issue contains mostly reprints. Prominent among these is “No Answer from Sarge”, a Kubert tale from Our Army at War #91. The Unknown Soldier makes his only appearance in three new framing pages (also by the artist). Other artists in this issue include Russ Heath, John Severin and Sam Glanzman. This is 62 of 96 Star Spangled War issues by Kubert.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***
Kubert pencils and inks 3 framing pages = ***

Joe Kubert 
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Star Spangled War Stories #162 - Joe Kubert art, cover & reprint Star Spangled War Stories #162 - Joe Kubert art, cover & reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:00 PM Rating: 5

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