Creepy Things #5 - Steve Ditko art

Creepy Things #5
Creepy Things v1 #5, 1975 - A greedy young couple moves in with a rich old relative and her suspicious cat. The bide their time, waiting for her to reveal her hidden fortune. Steve Ditko's setting is replete with cats among the mansion decor. The artist increases interest with pattern and shading, particularly the first few pages. Ditko shows once again how his eclectic style is well-suited for certain horror stories. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Nicholas Alascia. This is 2 of 2 Creepy Things issues by Ditko.
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"9th Life" Ditko story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

Steve Ditko
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Creepy Things #5 - Steve Ditko art Creepy Things #5 - Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:58 AM Rating: 5

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