Doomsday +1 #11 - John Byrne cover reprint & reprint, Steve Ditko reprint

Doomsday +1 #11
Doomsday Plus One v1 #11, 1979 - Perhaps as a cost saving measure, Charlton reprints the bronze age science fiction series that appeared only two years before. Most of the covers either re-use the originals or enlarge a page from the interiors. This issue reprints both Steve Ditko and John Byrne art from Doomsday+1 #5. I recommend the original issues, which have far better production values.

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Doomsday +1 #11 - John Byrne cover reprint & reprint, Steve Ditko reprint Doomsday +1 #11 - John Byrne cover reprint & reprint, Steve Ditko reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:37 PM Rating: 5

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