Doomsday +1 #5 - John Byrne art & cover, Steve Ditko art

John Byrne
Doomsday Plus One v1 #5, 1976 - The prologue page is a reprint from Doomsday +1 #3, perhaps used by Charlton Comics as a cost cutting method. John Byrne's bullseye view is one of his more memorable covers on the series, although his interior art is quite a step down from previous issues. The layouts are less engaging than before, compounded by the poorly applied inks of Bruce Patterson. His minimal approach leaves out too many details, making this issue easily the worst of the series. Byrne's text illos on the letter pages are reprints from earlier panels. Steve Ditko also contributes two rather mediocre stand alone pages (see interior page below). Both works were reprinted in Doomsday +1 #11. This is 5 of 6 Doomsday +1 issues by Byrne and 1 of 1 Doomsday +1 issues by Ditko. /// Byrne gallery
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Byrne cover pencils and inks = ***
"Rule of Fear" Byrne story pencils (Bruce Patterson inks) 20 pages = *
"The UFOs That Aren't There" Ditko story
pencils and inks 1 page = **
"A Long Way from Home" Ditko story pencils and inks 1 page = **

John Byrne
Steve Ditko
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Doomsday +1 #5 - John Byrne art & cover, Steve Ditko art Doomsday +1 #5 - John Byrne art & cover, Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:42 PM Rating: 5

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