Marvel Mystery Comics #49 - 1st Miss America

Marvel Mystery Comics #49
Marvel Mystery Comics v1 #49, 1943 - Despite being the ward of a wealthy tycoon, Madeline Joyce sought fairness and justice for the common man. One stormy night she exposes herself to a vast experimental machine of a scientist friend. Miss America makes her first appearance not much later, endowed with the power of flight, super strength and enhanced mental abilities. Copyrights notwithstanding, the Miss America pageant started in 1921. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin Madeline Joyce as Miss America
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"Miss America" 7 pages

1st Miss America
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Marvel Mystery Comics #49 - 1st Miss America Marvel Mystery Comics #49 - 1st Miss America Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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