G.I. Combat #145 - Joe Kubert cover & reprints

Joe Kubert
G.I. Combat v1 #145, 1970 - A lot of visual elements compete for the reader's attention on the cover, yet Joe Kubert seemingly composes it with ease. Promoted on the left hand side, "Hot Corner" (from G.I. Combat #59) and "Glory Dive" (Our Army at War #32) are both earlier works by the artist. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Russ Heath, Jerry Grandenetti, Sam Glanzman, Mort Drucker and Arthur Peddy. This is 64 of 190 G.I. Combat issues by Kubert.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***

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G.I. Combat #145 - Joe Kubert cover & reprints G.I. Combat #145 - Joe Kubert cover & reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:00 AM Rating: 5

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