G.I. Combat #59 - Joe Kubert art

G.I. Combat #59

G.I. Combat v1 #59, 1958 - Failing to succeed in baseball, "Boy Wonder" joins the army and makes it up through courage and determination. The soldier's back story occupies the first two pages before transitioning to the present. The melding of battle and baseball imagery is capably drawn by Joe Kubert. His opening splash is even better, depicting the character in feverish battle. The title refers to the pressure and responsibilities of the sport's third baseman. This story was later reprinted in G.I. Combat #145. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jack Abel and Russ Heath. Cover by Jerry Grandenetti. This is 9 of 190 G.I. Combat issues by Kubert.
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"Hot Corner" Kubert story pencils and inks 9 pages = ***

Joe Kubert

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G.I. Combat #59 - Joe Kubert art G.I. Combat #59 - Joe Kubert art  Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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