Detective Comics #519 - Don Newton art

Detective Comics #519
Detective Comics v1 #519, 1982 - When Colonel Blimp (yes, that's his name and no, he's not overweight) threatens Washington DC, the Batman intervenes to stop him. Don Newton uses noticeably bigger and fewer panels in the layouts. A full page splash at the start is followed by a double page spread, then followed by an explosive Hindenburg-type scene (see interior page below). Sadly, Newton's pencils are obscured by inker John Calnan, to the point of being unrecognizable. Other artists in this copper age comic include Trevor Von Eeden. Cover by Jim Aparo. This is 35 of 39 Detective Comics issues by Newton.
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"Like a Dreadnought in the Sky" Newton story pencils (John Calnan inks) 17 pages = *

Don Newton
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Detective Comics #519 - Don Newton art Detective Comics #519 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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