Teen-age Temptations #8 - Matt Baker art & cover

Matt Baker
Teen-age Temptations v1 #8, 1954 - Coerced by a fellow immigrant, a young woman uses her looks to blackmail a wealthy man. At first glance, Matt Baker's work on "Fool's Paradise" is hard to recognize. The scenes are harshly drawn, especially the cover and first two pages. "Masquerade Marriage" chronicles two women who married their newly acquired boyfriends, only to find out it was a sham. This second Baker story stands out for its greater clarity and polish. Its large opening panel is also splendidly drawn and composed. This is 8 of 9 Teen-age Temptations issues by Baker. /// Baker gallery
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Baker cover pencils and inks = *** 
"Fool's Paradise" Baker story pencils (Jim Mooney inks) 9 pages = ***
"Masquerade Marriage" Baker story pencils (Ray Osrin inks) 9 pages = **** 

Matt Baker
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Teen-age Temptations #8 - Matt Baker art & cover Teen-age Temptations #8 - Matt Baker art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5


DanMan said...

The "headlight" cover is a bit disturbing and is certainly pre-code. I disagree that it is harshly drawn. The phallic looking carafe on the table seems a bit fancy compared to the rest of the scenery

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Great observation on the carafe. Can't believe i missed that.

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