Teen-age Temptations #9 - Matt Baker cover & reprints

Matt Baker
Teen-age Temptations v1 #9, 1954 - A passionate kiss becomes the focal point of this intimate Matt Baker cover. Two couples embark on an idyllic picnic on the beach. A roaring campfire and picnic basket are contribute to the scene's overall coziness. The artist also strategically places landscape elements to enhance distance and perspective. Inside reside two Baker tales: "Fast Company" from Pictorial Romances #7 and "I Tempted the Wrong Boy" from Teen-Age Diary Secrets / Blue Ribbon Comics v2 #4. Other artists in this golden age romance comic include Chuck Miller. This is 9 of 9 Teen-age Temptations issues by Baker. /// Baker gallery
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Baker cover pencils and inks = ***

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Teen-age Temptations #9 - Matt Baker cover & reprints Teen-age Temptations #9 - Matt Baker cover & reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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