Teen-age Romances #40 - Matt Baker cover & reprint

Matt Baker
Teen-age Romances v1 #40, 1954 - A newly minted college grad surprises his girlfriend with an engagement ring. Matt Baker provides a snapshot to an eventful moment in the couple's lives. Beautifully drawn and composed and exquisitely composed, it also seems telling that all the graduates are men and all the well-wishers are women. The sole Baker story inside is a reprint of "I Was a Toy of Love" from Pictorial Romances #19. Other artists in this golden age comic include Ric Estrada. This is 37 of 42 Teen-age Romances issues by Baker.
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Baker cover pencils and inks = *****

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Teen-age Romances #40 - Matt Baker cover & reprint Teen-age Romances #40 - Matt Baker cover & reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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