Tales to Astonish #12 - Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko art, Kirby cover, Ditko art

Jack Kirby
Tales to Astonish v1 #12, 1960 - Searching for the missing link, a expedition stumbles upon a primitive world full of enormous creatures. Jack Kirby combines the characteristics of a gorilla and monkey, creating a gargantuan primate. As usual, his pencils are adventurous, further enhanced by Steve Ditko's fine inking (this story was later reprinted in Monsters on the Prowl #9). Ditko himself contributes to a tale of a man isolated in a spherical craft. As time progresses, his boredom is interrupted by an attack from a nightmarish monster. His canny page designs begin with an excellent splash page of the two main characters. His layouts and detailed drawings makes this a standout within the issue. "A Monster Waits Outside" was later reprinted in >Chamber of Chills v2 #24. Other artists in this issue include Don Heck and Paul Reinman. This is 12 of 57 Tales to Astonish issues by Ditko and 11 of 81 Tales to Astonish issues by Kirby
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Kirby cover pencils (Dick Ayers inks) = ***
"I Discovered Gorgilla" Kirby story pencils / Ditko inks 7 pages = ***
"A Monster Waits Outside" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = ****

Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko
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Tales to Astonish #12 - Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko art, Kirby cover, Ditko art Tales to Astonish #12 - Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko art, Kirby cover, Ditko art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:58 AM Rating: 5

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