Monsters on the Prowl #9 - Barry Windsor Smith art, Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby reprints, Kirby cover reprint + 1st issue

Monsters on the Prowl #9 
Monsters on the Prowl v1 #9, 1971 - Continued from the series Chamber of Darkness, this first issue features a relatively early work by Barry Smith. The artist was primarily a penciller during the bronze age, making this tale of a domineering archeologist a rare inking job. While minimally competent, it unfortunately lacks any semblance of Smith's style. If not for the opening credits, his contribution would have been unrecognizable. This story was later reprinted in Giant-size Chillers v2 #3. On the plus side, this reprints Tales to Astonish #12 (Jack Kirby) and Journey Into Mystery #78 (Kirby / Steve Ditko). This is 1 of 1 Monsters on the Prowl issues by Smith. /// key 1st issue
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"Desert Scream" Barry Smith story inks (Jay Hawk pencils) 6 pages = *

Barry Windsor Smith
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Monsters on the Prowl #9 - Barry Windsor Smith art, Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby reprints, Kirby cover reprint + 1st issue Monsters on the Prowl #9 - Barry Windsor Smith art, Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby reprints, Kirby cover reprint + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 9:00 PM Rating: 5

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