Diary Secrets / Giant Comics Editions #12 - Matt Baker cover & reprints

Matt Baker st john romance golden age 1950s prostitute comic book cover art - Diary Secrets / Giant Comics Editions #12
Matt Baker
Diary Secrets / Giant Comics Editions v1 #12, 1949 - Rarely seen in comic covers of the era, a lone prostitute leans knowingly against a street lamp. Though simple in design, Matt Baker creates a compelling image. Her welcoming glance catches the reader's eye while she lifts a revealing leg forward. While romance comics were typically published for girls, this example may have been intended for a wider audience. A note about this issue: St. John Publishing collected remainders of previously printed issues and re-bound them with new covers. Consequently, contents varied widely although usually within the same genre. This is 4 of 6 Giant Comics Editions issues by Baker.
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Baker cover pencils and inks = ****

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Diary Secrets / Giant Comics Editions #12 - Matt Baker cover & reprints Diary Secrets / Giant Comics Editions #12 - Matt Baker cover & reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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