Strange Terrors #4 - Joe Kubert art

Strange Terrors #4
Strange Terrors v1 #4, 1952Joe Kubert's does his second story for this title, one of many horror titles that were pervasive during the early 1950s. The strange and compelling cover by William Elgren is almost too sophisticated, and resembles the ancient wall paintings in Rome. Kubert's story about a murdered fortune teller is effectively gruesome, yet tame compared to other horror comics of the era. His loose, spontaneous strokes nicely fit the genre. Other artists in this golden age horror comic include Bill Molno. This is 2 of 4 Strange Terrors issues by Kubert.
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"The Curse of Khar" Kubert story pencils and inks 6 pages = ***

Joe Kubert
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Strange Terrors #4 - Joe Kubert art Strange Terrors #4 - Joe Kubert art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:01 PM Rating: 5

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