Kid Colt Outlaw #89 - Al Williamson art, Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko cover

Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko
Kid Colt Outlaw v1 #89, 1960 - Two partners face off in an impromptu gunfight in this supposedly true western story. The pages are exceptionally drawn, one of Al Williamson's finer efforts for Atlas. Inker Ralph Mayo adds definition and clarity while staying true to the pencils. This story first appeared in Matt Slade Gunfighter #2 (also by Williamson), but this newer, redrawn version is a more polished improvement. Jack Kirby's cover is adequate, but benefits greatly from the textured finishes of Steve Ditko. Other artists in this silver age comic include Jack Keller and George Klein. This is 1 of 1 Kid Colt Outlaw issues by Ditko, 4 of 40 Kid Colt Outlaw issues by Kirby and 8 of 8 Kid Colt Outlaw issues by Williamson. /// Williamson gallery
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Kirby cover pencils / Ditko inks = ***
"Rip-Snorter" Williamson story pencils (Ralph Mayo inks) 4 pages = ***

Al Williamson
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Kid Colt Outlaw #89 - Al Williamson art, Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko cover Kid Colt Outlaw #89 - Al Williamson art, Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:13 PM Rating: 5

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