What If (Phoenix had not died?) #27 - Frank Miller cover

Frank Miller
What If (Phoenix had not died?) v1 #27, 1981 - The landmark issue X-men #137 is newly interpreted with an alternate ending. The cover by Frank Miller is not among his best efforts. The composition is all too common and the drawings are hurriedly drawn. The edges of the Phoenix's flame is too prominent, moving the character into a separate, unintended space. The remaining X-men appear too loosely defined and poorly executed. Oddly enough, Phoenix's rendition bears a strong resemblance to the artist Alex Nino. Other artists in this copper age comic include Jerry Bingham, John Stuart, Ron Wilson and Bruce Patterson. This is 1 of 3 What If issues by Miller.
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Miller cover pencils and inks = *

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What If (Phoenix had not died?) #27 - Frank Miller cover What If (Phoenix had not died?) #27 - Frank Miller cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:02 PM Rating: 5

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