X-Men #137 - John Byrne art & cover + Landmark issue

X-men v1 #137 marvel comic book cover art by John Byrne
John Byrne
X-Men v1 #137, 1980 - Jean Grey and Cyclops make a last stand on John Byrne's compelling cover. Although marred by the contest blurb above, the illustration is well executed. Inside, the larger page count allows the artist to design and pace the story to maximum effect. The book is rife with action, mostly the X-men versus the Starjammers. However, just as memorable are the nuanced scenes of individuals contemplating the upcoming battle (pages 8-11). Last but not least, Byrne's double-page spread is a stunning depiction of the X-men. Perfectly composed, each member has a distinct stance and expression. This Chris Claremont story was first reprinted in Phoenix The Untold Story #1. This is 29 of 35 X-men issues by Byrne. /// key Landmark issue (death of Phoenix) / original spread
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Byrne cover pencils (Terry Austin inks) = ***
"The Fate of the Phoenix" Byrne story
pencils (Terry Austin inks) 35 pages = *****

X-men v1 #137 marvel comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne
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X-Men #137 - John Byrne art & cover + Landmark issue X-Men #137 - John Byrne art & cover + Landmark issue Reviewed by Ted F on 10:40 AM Rating: 5

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